
Interesting facts about "The Dark Knight Rises" Part 1

Christopher Nolan is the first director to complete a full trilogy of Batman films but the second to direct a full trilogy of films on one superhero (after Sam Raimi completed his Spider-Man films).

Christian Bale is the first actor to portray Batman/Bruce Wayne in three Batman films.

Robin Williams was rumored to play the role of Hugo Strange. 

Joseph Gordon-Levitt , Leonardo DiCaprio , James Holzier, Ryan Gosling, and Mark Ruffalo were considered to play John Blake. Gordon-Levitt was ultimately cast.

According to Christopher Nolan, Bane was chosen as the film's main antagonist "to test Batman mentally as well as physically."

To prepare for his role as Bane, Tom Hardy gained 30 pounds in weight, and studied various fighting styles to use in the film. 

After The Dark Knight was released, Aaron Eckhart expressed interest in returning as Harvey "Two-Face" Dent. Christopher Nolan stated that Dent was definitely dead, and that his death would leave lasting repercussions across Gotham.

Composer Hans Zimmer collected online recordings of chanting to incorporate in the film's score.

Reunites Inception stars Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine, Marion Cotillard, and Cillian Murphy.

Tickets for the film's premiere midnight IMAX screenings in New York sold out six months in advance. 

Christopher Nolan said that this film's theme deals with "Pain". For Batman Begins, it was on "Fear", while The Dark Knight deals on "Chaos".

Out of respect for Heath Ledger, the Joker is never once mentioned for the whole film.

At 165 minutes long, this is the longest Batman film released to date as well as the longest film that Christopher Nolan has ever directed.

Was filmed in Pittsburgh under the title "Magnus Rex."  

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